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Analysis: the meaning of the letter D and one piece分析: 字母D的含义.....









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 楼主| 发表于 2022-2-3 16:11:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 margaretmaggie 于 2022-2-3 16:13 编辑

Analysis: the meaning of the letter D and one piece 分析: 字母D的含义和one piece
2022-2-3 15:57 |个人分类:[创作works| 航海, 海贼王, one piece, 宝藏, 真理

Analysis: the meaning of the letter D and one piece

In the seafaring king cartoon, the pirate king, Captain Gol D Roger, is said to have revealed the meaning of the letter D to his friends before turning himself in. Let me guess and analyze its meaning now.

I think it means gestation. Of course, it's not true that someone is pregnant. It may be about the stage state of some things, and I don't think it's a separate stage connecting the past and the future, because it uses different language systems, so in order to explain that there is no intermediate stage between the front and rear stages,  it should mean that the former stage contains the latter stage. Because it just looks like a big belly.

Then, it is a capital letter. In order to indicate that it is not a lowercase letter, it may be a special indication that it represents formal and correct, not informal and evil. Echoing the word "one" in the name rongichiro omida, it means reality, righteousness and truth. Then  the number "two "represents emptiness, evil and hypocrisy. Maybe that's why he has so much. It is said that he has the " one piece".  I think this word---one piece may refer to the most correct truth. It is the best and ultimate philosophical thinking.

From this point, I remember  that the word "one piece" originally means"one piece of.... I'll analyze the meaning of this word now. In my opinion, this is the same as the saying that there is no free lunch in the world. It means that only by paying can there be harvest, and only by paying a correct effort can there be a good result. This is the body of "one piece" and its methodology.

Some people don't like to participate ,because of various reasons, such as laziness. They like to watch aside and stay out, whether it's their own responsibility, history, or others. Then when harvest, there will be no one piece belong to them in the final reward cake! In the long run, if you don't participate in the reality, there will be no him in history. If you slowly move towards nothingness, you will disappear. It's your own failult ,delay your life and killed yourself.

Heaven road is always moving lead to healthy, and the road of heaven rewards diligence. Those who follow heaven prosper and those who oppose heaven die. Therefore, they go against nature, go against heaven's principles, go astray, cling to their mistakes, and even choose die rather than walking back. Then the result must be decline. In fact, this is not desirable. The followers of philosophical truth called one piece, will not agree to follow such wrong road.

There is a folk saying that a man has a seven feet strong body is better than have a house and a car. Seven feet body is not as good as one good face . A good face is not as good as a three inch nose. A three inch nose is not better than an inch eye. An inch of eye, always can not good enough as a little sincerity. Men are not compared with each other by height, income or birth, but responsibility. Therefore, in fact, the most important foundation of everything is its core. I think the truth expressed in this sentence is the soul of "one piece".

Of course, philosophical truth is to help people solve problems, so it can be extended and applied to specific affairs. For example, in the field of creatures, what is one piece, then the core of living creatures is right justice or evil of their souls. Regularity correct justice leads to prosperity, while evil leads to destruction and extinction. This is always a common sense in the world, which is indestructible and stands firm right forever.

Therefore, all living creatures should follow and truly walk with the truth of "one piece", because in fact, it tells the laws of heaven and points out the way of heaven road!  So let's all agree with this real principle I said!

Chinese 中文版本:

分析: 字母D的含义和one piece

    然后,它是大写字母,为了表示它不是小写字母,可能是特别的预示它是代表正式正当的,而不是邪门的非份的。和尾田荣一郎的一字相呼应,表示实,正,真。那么二就是代表虚,邪,伪。或许这就是他拥有那么多的原因,据说他拥有one piece,我认为这个one piece可能是指一条最正的真理。即是一种最优良最终极的哲学思维。
    从这一点就联想到,one piece这个词语本来就是一份的意思,我再分析一下这个词语的含义。我认为,这和那句天下无白吃的午餐一样,都是说付出才有收获,付出一份正确努力,才会有一份善果。这就是one piece的身体,是它的方法论。
    天行健,天道酬勤,顺天者昌逆天者亡,所以违背自然,逆天理而行,误入了歧途,还执迷不悟,死不回头,那么结果肯定是衰亡了,其实这不可取。one piece哲学真理的奉行者,不会赞同追随这样的错误事理。
    民间有说法,有房有车,不如七尺之躯。七尺之躯,不如一尺之面。一尺之面,不如三寸之鼻。三寸之鼻,不如一寸之眼。一寸之眼,不如一点真心。男人,比的不是身高,不是收入,不是出身,而是责任。因此,其实万事万物最重要的根本,就是其核心。我认为这句话表达的这个道理,就是one piece的灵魂。
    当然哲学真理都是帮助人解决问题的,那么可以扩展运用在具体的事务上,比如,在生命领域来说,什么是one piece,那么生灵最核心的,就是其灵魂的正与邪。正则走向繁荣兴盛,邪则走向败亡灭绝。这一条总是世间的常理,颠扑不破屹立不倒。
    因此,所有的生灵都应该追随奉行one piece这条真理,因为其实它说的就是天理,指出的就是天道呀!所以大家都来赞同我说的这条真实的真理吧!


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