




分享 An ode: Goddess Athena 颂歌一首: 女神雅典娜
margaretmaggie 2022-2-10 17:42
An ode: Greece ever had polytheistic religion in ancient times, but later returned to God. lts long history had deep relations with the heaven road. True wisdom all must belongs to heaven road. So if there is a real goddess Athena, it must belong to God. Therefore, in this name, l write ...
个人分类: 创作works|610 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 lntermediator for heaven :Messenger(version special for Netease)天下天机: 使者( ...
margaretmaggie 2022-2-10 17:37
lntermediator for heaven :Messenger(version special for Netease)天下天机: 使者(网易版) lntermediator for heaven :Messenger What is the messenger? The people in doubt asked the messenger ,and get the answer: The messenger has a mission , some is extremely important, suc ...
个人分类: 创作works|395 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 The truth always stand:one justice word became king
margaretmaggie 2022-2-6 15:36
The truth always stand:one justice word became king The truth always stand:one justice word became king. The providence always says: who obstruct the secret informations showing us from heaven, will die of much bad luck and disasters. 天理在:一言为君 天道常宣: 碍于天机者,必死于噩运! ...
个人分类: 创作works|419 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 chapter eleven how is Right culture 第十一篇正文论
margaretmaggie 2022-2-6 15:31
chapter eleven how is Right culture 第十一篇正文论 Ha ha works collection Part II: pick up those lost series To pick something, is to pick up. Those lost somewhere, are remain things , left over by others. This collection series, to put it bluntly, is the collected articles and transf ...
个人分类: 创作works|499 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Works cultural innovation belongs to me 文创属我
margaretmaggie 2022-2-4 19:35
Works cultural innovation belongs to me 文创属我 Works cultural innovation belongs to me warm tips: Whether it's my words, art, or even my translation, All belong to my creation. I have the right to decide and change. If there is something different from ordinary peo ...
个人分类: 创作works|512 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 lntermediator for heaven :Messenger 天下天机: 使者
margaretmaggie 2022-2-4 19:31
lntermediator for heaven :Messenger 天下天机: 使者 lntermediator for heaven :Messenger What is the messenger? The people in doubt asked the messenger ,and get the answer: The messenger has a mission , some is extremely important, such as the one who promised to come back ...
个人分类: 创作works|314 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Little invention: hand tongs创意小发明:兰夹
margaretmaggie 2022-2-4 16:47
Little invention: hand tongs创意小发明:兰夹 Little invention: hand tongs Although eating with hands has advantages, such as flexibility, activity of brain and fingers, or anti degeneration. But there are also disadvantages. For example, it is not very hygienic, which may lead to unhea ...
个人分类: 创作works|491 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Analysis: the meaning of the letter D and one piece 分析: 字母D的含义和one piece ...
margaretmaggie 2022-2-3 15:57
Analysis: the meaning of the letter D and one piece In the seafaring king cartoon, the pirate king, Captain Gol D Roger, is said to have revealed the meaning of the letter D to his friends before turning himself in. Let me guess and analyze its meaning now. I think it means gestat ...
个人分类: 创作works|371 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Little invention: hand tongs 创意小发明: 兰夹
margaretmaggie 2022-2-2 14:52
Little invention:  hand  tongs 创意小发明:  兰夹
Little invention: hand tongs Although eating with hands has advantages, such as flexibility, activity of brain and fingers, or anti degeneration. But there are also disadvantages. For example, it is not very hygienic, which may lead to unhealthy, difficult isolation, unsafe, sca ...
个人分类: 创作works|432 次阅读|0 个评论

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