




分享 什么样的人,才可以称为人类?
margaretmaggie 2023-4-18 14:58
什么 的人,才可以称为人类? 这是一个很有深度广度的深刻问题, 简单说,就是两句话, 合 的人,才可以称为人类, 他们必须符合天道的 准。 再见,各位。
个人分类: 创作works|396 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 庄子来救场啦~~
margaretmaggie 2022-6-30 21:16
庄子来救场啦~~ 现在的环境污染就好像世界末日来临了似的,很严重,所以注重环保是美德,也是自救。 白色污染,玻璃污,化工污,,,各种大巫小巫都在群魔乱舞,让人 乎快 法呼吸。 可能有的人不太会注意到的一个恶问题,就是鞋子,变成垃圾后,也是污染大户~ 现在虽然没有很多补鞋的,自 ...
个人分类: 创作works|371 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 本人别号
margaretmaggie 2022-4-15 15:56
个人分类: 信息information|376 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 personal skills update 4.12
margaretmaggie 2022-4-12 13:22
personal skills update 4.12
personal skills update 4.12 messenger--NO.7 messenger--messenger king 个人技能更新 4.12 使者--第七使者--使者君
个人分类: 信息information|302 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Personal skills update 个人技能更新
margaretmaggie 2022-4-5 16:09
个人技能更新: 独创天祭体书法,及唯一会写可写的书者 独创天祭画派,及唯一会画可画的画者 Personal skills update: original creation: worship heaven handwriting script , and the only person who can write and be allowed to write. original creation: wor ...
个人分类: 信息information|359 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 我的信仰——基督新教归正宗
margaretmaggie 2022-4-3 13:09
基督新教,归正宗,是我的信仰。 我认为,这是世界上目前最好最正的信仰。也是最适合我的。 新教: 新教(Protestantism),亦称基督新教,与天主教、东正教并称为基督教三大流派。包括16世纪欧洲宗教改革运动中脱离罗马普世大公教会(大公的基督教)而产生的新宗派:路德宗、 尔文宗、安立甘宗,以 ...
650 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Analysis of Islamic doctrine: On polygamy and eating meat
margaretmaggie 2022-3-17 15:29
Analysis of Islamic doctrine On polygamy and eating meat We know that the Koran has been developed from the Bible. Why are the former is monogamous and the latter is polygamous? Isn't that contradictory? In fact, if you think closely, Islamic polygamy rules says that four wives sh ...
个人分类: 创作works|568 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 The second little invention: Carryon incense
margaretmaggie 2022-3-15 16:11
The second little invention: Carryon incense This is barely an invention. It's actually a further idea. In fact, there is no need to authorize. If someone wants to know, the authorization is the same as orchid tongs. Because perfume soap has the characteristics of slow ...
个人分类: 创作works|376 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Chapter 14 : little Fable~Human beings have nowhere to escape
margaretmaggie 2022-3-9 15:27
Ha ha works collection Chapter 14 : little Fable~Human beings have nowhere to escape In class, a teacher talked about the relationship between men and women and said: Generally speaking, under normal circumstances, the best mode is just like when the husband sing , the woman will ...
个人分类: 创作works|601 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Tips on English version
margaretmaggie 2022-3-5 10:37
Tips on English version The opinions about cooking of heaven way in Margaret maggie's private recipe, its English version, I guess this version I wrote may be because some of the articles I wrote directly contain the wills and secrets of heaven, so it seems that the grammar is n ...
个人分类: 创作works|434 次阅读|0 个评论


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