





The second little invention: Carryon incense

已有 378 次阅读2022-3-15 16:11 |个人分类:创作works| invent, perfume, carryon, incense, 香水

The second little invention: Carryon incense 
This is barely an invention. It's actually a further idea. In fact, there is no need to authorize. If someone wants to know, the authorization is the same as orchid tongs. 
Because perfume soap has the characteristics of slow, weak, lasting and releasing fragrance. It can control the amount of release at a level better than other fragrances, so we can slightly modify the shapes, or melt it, add more essence and pigment, and then solidify and remold, and simply pack it with bags and boxes, and make it portable. These fragrance ornaments of various shapes can be placed on many places. I call it carryon incense. 
It is more durable and can be long time than perfume. It's not very exciting, it's not too many smell. 
It has plasticity , so has many shapes more than wood incense and sachets bags. It can be heated and melted to make various patterns and beautiful shapes. Size, pattern and shape can be created and adjusted by yourself. You can also wear ropes, string them up and hang them up. 
It is stronger than many kinds of packaged incense. Soap is not easy to break and has a high safety factor. It can be carried with you. It is convenient to put it around, in the bag, in the car, in the bathroom, in the wardrobe, make aeolian bells, mascot accessories, car ornaments, etc. 
It lasts longer than disposable fragrances and can be reshaped and reused. If It has no fragrant, you can rejoin the essence and remould it. If you really don't want to use it again, you can also use it wash your hands and avoid wasting. 
The price is cheaper than that of ordinary fragrances. It can be made in batch. It can kill two birds with one stone ~, we can use it as two useful things. Although it is generally used as a fragrance agent and does not need to use it wash hands, it is mostly for view and admire, but it can be used for cleaning in case of emergency. 
You can DIY, you can add your own creativity to make it have special commemorative significance, or make handmade products with special shapes. 
If you want to sterilize, you can add medicinal soap particles or its active ingredient phenol. 
If you want to ward off evil spirits, you can add lavender and so on. 
Because the fragrance can run around in body, too much fragrance is easy to cause adult excitement or disorder, so it should not be too heavy or too exciting. Like this practice, the slight and lasting aroma is the best. 
第二个小发明: 随身香 




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